SPAET Colombia

Sociedad para la Promoción de la Artesanía y Ecología Tecnológica, Society for the Promotion of Handicraft and Eco-Technology

Preparations for SES volunteers in Boyaca [in Cooperation with TantoMejor]

For July-August Senor Oscar (SPAET) and Senora Gloria (TantoMejor) are hoping to get experts via the SES to assist in the project.

Mrs. Dr Senta Siller would be required to establish a handicraft training facility with the help of a helper from Bogota, which would make regular meetings possible; Monika Kuppler would be specifically needed forhandicrafts in wire work.

Prof Dr Pintsch would be urgently required to support the marketing of Appropriate handicrafts as well as for a drinking water project for the Escuela Inglaterra.

DGFK e.V., SPAET, Chiquinquira, Tanto Mejor, Saboya, Dr Senta Siller, Monika Kuppler, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:35 PM, No comment,

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