About the Think Tank Project
Sunday, January 20, 2019
by Norbert Pintsch IPC, FPAC
After sketching the topic HOUSING in three publications (Housing, Population and Housing, Systems and Housing), TTP is now entering a new phase.
Although the topic of communication and information has been treated in various essays over the years, experience has also been gained with contemporary techniques, but now the problems arising from the cultural model and its inter-dependencies, as well as system considerations on general housing meed to be discussed.
There are misunderstandings from small groups to large groups, and it is more than a miracle that an exchange is possible at all.
It is not only the basic communication, which is a problem.
If one were to orient oneself towards Wittgenstein (which one is not supposed to talk about, one has to be silent about it), then hardly any communication and information should be taking place.
In the assumption of better understanding, new terms are invented, which instead of closer definition create still new questions and thus new answers with new terms and for improvement with the same, similar or different concepts or ideas.
Already the analogue exchange of ideas on earth is more than problematic, but when the digital exchange comes into play with additional time or distance factors, then arise the real problems!
Housing in the closed system is the protection, the material protection, - the immateriality that demands the traditional humanity!
Labels: Cultura, DGFK, FBTC, FPAC, IPC, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, SEMOL, SPAET, SPARC, SPATH, SPOCA, SUTOL
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:34 AM,
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Informal Think Tank
Sunday, January 6, 2019
By Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch / IPC, FPAC, FBTC, DGFK
NGO projects are non-profit ventures, i.e. altruistic projects. The critical viewer quickly realizes whether the project is financially beneficial to the circle of contributors or a family.
If the facility is useful for a family and it finances the life of this family, which also applies to large families, so they should honestly convert it into private limited company.
The project carriers and the supporters of the project normally do not share this view, for which there are two reasons:
- the project carriers, the users and the suppliers, are simply too connected to each other to recognize this fact, and
- The supporters are too superficial, so that the of concealment is not perceived.
Another widespread problem is the inability of the participants to identify themselves as a project in the global and increasingly uniform world.
This means:
- Unknowingly, economic opportunities are transferred from A to B. These possibilities were in the past the results of colonialism, in the present it is the short-sighted spread of standards of so-called industrialized countries to the so-called developing countries.
Now it could be argued that life in a country is never one-sided, and in every country there is a gap between the upper and lower classes.
That is true, but the purpose of NGO projects is not to participate in the transfer of external values, but to preserve the peculiarities of the local values.
If this purpose is not shared by the project carriers, who operate under the cloak of selflessness, then the transformation into a serious private limited company should be undertaken and the principles of profit maximization followed.
The voluntary work, which was part of the long-term project work in various countries, was therefore discontinued and commercial consultation on usual rules for international business were offered.
Even if the above argument may seem antisocial to the reader, the rule remains: one and one is two, - not more, but also not less!
A wrong must be named as wrong!
Labels: CAT, DGFK, FBTC, FPAC, IPC, RUC, Tanto Mejor, Thatta Kedona
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:47 AM,
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