SPAET Colombia

Sociedad para la Promoción de la Artesanía y Ecología Tecnológica, Society for the Promotion of Handicraft and Eco-Technology

The importance of pse * project initiatives

Lessons in participation and perceptions of the SSI doll project

by Aaron Pinsker and Norbert Pintsch

For the theorist, theory is a merciless work program. Success means having created the appropriate and plausible phrases after doing intensive work. It's a good feeling to live with, mobile and pecuniary!

The society, represented by its heads, leaders, agents, honors this and uses the phrases in good faith and for good things. The country needs keywords!

The representatives, leaders, agents of institutions and organizations need this help in order to become active in their fields.

Even if we don't like it, the reality is quite different and dramatic. The more theory there is, the more theory grows out of it - it is almost like fertilizer; however this fertilizer is of an artificial nature and it sticks more and more to the practical problems , commonly referred to as Practice!

Globalization makes the problem frightening! The theory, actually a tool to understanding the problem on a local and regional scale, is used unknowingly for standardization and that neglects the particularities of the region. It is rather understood to be universally and globally applicable. Why does'nt anybody tell me that?, so the call of a resident of old-people home suffering from dementia!

The seemingly problem solutions are always based on the usefulness. Usefulness is a result of political-social-economic* compulsions, with the additional issue that we lose our feet on the ground. Taking on these compulsions is a mammoth task, which is therefore not touched upon. That would involve too great corrective measures.

There is no reason to leave it at that, there are even solutions available, but they do not fit into the conventional grid; the main reason: the lack of pse * benefits!

Initiatives that benefit the general public are rare. If there are some, then they are politically, economically and religiously based and financed. This means that selflessness in initiatives is practically impossible. A popular question in such rare projects is: Who is funding this? - If the answer is lacking a reference to religion or politics, this unsettles the questioner. It cannot be what cannot be! The participants in such projects have shown that a) there is this attitude of selflessness and b) this unites strangers to the pse * and makes possible what actually does not work for the reasons mentioned.

A tedious job, far from theory, adapted to the local possibilities and the local, traditional culture, which represents the wealth of a region and works even better when the "foreign" participants bring their skills into the effort without appearing to be missionaries!

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